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Havet over haverne..

tirsdag 29. marts 2022
af Morten Jenrich Hansen

Frisk og kølig vind fra nord på en klar morgen gav ikke mange fugle trods den gode sigt.
Bello passede obsen ved Hukket og havde klart dagens bedste fugl, da en Islom lettede fra rast og fløj mod nord.
Altid en oplevelse med de store lommer.
Der har tidligere i år været en Islom d. 8. januar, så den her er nr. 2 i år ved Hukket, mens Anders Myrtue den anden dag havde en storlom sp. ved Hvidbjerg Strand.
Det kunne jo sagtens være dagens Islom, der har rastet et par dage og nu har bevæget sig lidt nordpå.
Ellers var der over havet mest lidt bevægelse af Suler ude ved revet, mens vi stadig venter på større antal terner.
3 Splitterner var alt hvad det blev til i dag af den familie.

Ved nettene var Menno og jeg presset af den friske nordenvind, så vi kun kunne arbejde med 2/3 af nettene åbne, Resten stod for påvirket af vinden.
Tror nu ikke det havde hjulpet meget på fangsttallet med alle net i gang, for på 10 timer med åbne net lykkedes det kun at mærke en Jernspurv og få en genfangst af en Gærdesmutte fra august sidste år.
Menno så dog glad ud trods manglen på fugle i haven.
Da han tog Jernspurven ud af nettene var det et ”jubilæum” - årets Jernspurv nr. 100 ringmærket her.
Vi må glædes over det vi kan her.

De kommende døgn ser vi frem til dage med mindre vind og fra mere østlig retning, så selvom det tegner til vintertemperaturer med risiko for nattefrost, selv herude på det vestligste punkt, så tror vi på flere småfugle i området de næste dage.


Jernspurv og Menno – Photo by Morten Jenrich

Ringing list (new/recapture):

Dunnock (1/0)

Wren (0/1)

1 new bird over 2 species.

DOF link: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=29-03-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato

Folk på stationen: Bello, Menno og Morten

Another day with NW wind

mandag 28. marts 2022
af Menno den Uijl, Mikkel Bello

Today we caught the same bird 4 times. It was ringed on the 24th and we saw it graditly add some weight. The last time today, it was in the stationshaven while the other three times it was caught at the lighthouse. So it is slowly migrating again.

After the new species for the season yesterday, we managed to have another new species for the season today. We caught a female stonechat (sortstrubet bynkefugl). Apart from that, it was another slow day at the station with only 5 new birds. But the coming days we can get a 100 dunnock (only one more needed) and a 100 redpolls (only two more needed) this season.

Sortstrubet Bynkefugl. Foto - Menno

På morgenobservationen satte jeg mig på sydhukket i læ af turistbunkeren da trækket er mest nordgående nu. Dog stadig få arter men jeg har fornøjelsen af lidt måge og sortand træk. Stormmåge 269, Sildemåge 32(en med en blå ring som jeg aflæste), svartbag 28, sortand 1111 og så var der pænt med nordgående Suler 23 og 3 sydgående. '

Morten lavede lasagne til aftensmad, det var rigtig godt, og så glæder vi os til at vinden skifter så vi kan få nogle flere fugle i nettene!

Dagens obs: 


Ringmærkningsliste, nye / genfangst 


Folk på stationen; Bello, Bent, Menno, Morten

Confused by the summertime

søndag 27. marts 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Today the time changed into summertime because I was not really alert on this. I started opening the nets a 5:45, this was an hour earlier than needed. But this could be a nice change for catching a woodcock or a long-eared owl. Unfortunately, they did not enter the nets.

For the first time this season we found a bird in the Helgoland trap. The first time that we catch a bird in the Helgoland trap still must follow. The bird in matter, a dunnock, found a way out. But now we exactly know what to do if another bird turns up in the trap.

After the second round, I joined Bello for some time on the sea watch. After some time, we saw a slender looking lesser black backed gull. It also had a very dark and almost no white in the wing. These are all pointers toward a Baltic gull (ssp. fuscus), but it is hard to say because the variation in ssp. Intermedius can also show this. Only birds with rings from known colonies where ssp. fuscus breed can be safely identified. We could not find it back, so we could not check if it was ringed. The whole count resulted in around 1200 common scoters and around 350 common gulls going north.

Another first this season was a 2k female fieldfare. Fieldfares are in spring quite rare to be caught, the last time one was caught in spring was in 2016. Next to that, it was very nice to study this species in good detail. Although Bello was almost asleep, he managed to grab some nice photos of this bird.


Fieldfare – Photo by Bello

Today we got visits from Sven and Svend. Sven was here because when he left yesterday, he still got a bag of Bello in his car after they birded together yesterday. Svend brought the new gull guide and some cake, so we have some good new literature to study. And had a talk over a cup of coffee and a piece of dagmartærte, a traditional Danish cake. The book will really help find a rare gull on the beach.

Morten said that there will be a chance that the Nothern lights might be visible today, so we did a try for that. We will share the result tomorrow on the blog.

Ringing list (new/recapture):

Dunnock (2/0)

Robin (1/1)

Goldcrest (0/2)

Blackbird (4/0)

Fieldfare (1/0)

Brambling (1/0)

Chiffchaff (1/0)

Great tit (0/1)

Redpoll (1/0)

Song Thrush (0/1)

13 new birds over 11 species.

DOF link: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=27-03-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato

People at the station: Bello, Morten, Sven, Svend, Bent and Menno

Godt med vind fra Nv

lørdag 26. marts 2022
af Mikkel Bello

Det blæste en del så jeg satte mig bag militærvognen, der kom ingen fugle, Men Henrik kom. Han valgte at finde et bedre sted at sidde, og jeg fulgte lidt tid efter. 
Vi stod i læ bag en af bunkerne på stranden og lige så stille blev det mere og mere diset, med den dårligste sigt på 300m vil jeg tro. David kom også, og ud over et fint norgående stormmågetræk, så skete der ikke noget. Lige indtil Henrik finder en pisse tidlig fjordterne som tøffer afsted i modvinden indtil den til sidst sætter fart på. Det er den 4. tidligste Fjordterne i DK nogensinde! 

Fjordterne, Foto - Henrik Böhmer

Vinden hjalp heller ikke på fangsterne, så det blev til 6 nye fugle på 13 timer og kun en inden for det standardiserede tidsrum som er på 5 timer. 14 fugle i alt da 8 var genfangster.  

Jeg kørete om eftermiddagen rundt med Sven og vi fik set en masse af nærområdet, men heller ingen fugle på nær en Blå Kærhøg han. Vi fik også handlet lidt.
Imorgen stilner vinden af så der er håb i det mindste om flere fugle i nettene.

Ringmærknings liste: nye / genfanget
0/1 Solsort
1/0 Vindrossel
0/5 Fuglekonge
0/1 Sortmejse
0/1 Skovspurv
4/0 Lille Gråsisken
1/0 Gulspurv

Dagens observationer

Folk på stationen; Bello, David, Menno, Morten, Henrik, Sven

Quality over quantaty

fredag 25. marts 2022
af Menno

Today Morten came over to help with the ringing. It was not that busy with only 27 new birds. Morten has been here before, and clearly knows the way around the station. Although it was not that busy with birds, the weather was quite nice. But today it was not in the numbers, but in the quality of species. The first bird in the nets at the lighthouse was a short-toed treecreeper. A really nice species, and definitely one I wanted to see up close.


Short- toed treecreeper – Photo by Menno

In the next round at the lighthouse, we had a male bullfinch in the nets. Earlier this week we caught a female, but a male is just a bit more beautiful. After Bello finished the counting, he did not see anything noteworthy, we did a round with four of us (Morten, Bello, Sven and me) and we caught a female bullfinch. It was quite a good day for bullfinch, but in previous days we heard many flying around.


Male bullfinch – Photo by Menno

Sven made some recordings today to make some movies to get more people enthusiastic about the work that is done at the station. Later on, the day, he also had a meeting with Bent and John about this.


Sven making recordings of the ringing of a blackbird, with Bello on the left writing, Morten ringing in the middle and Sven filming it all on the right. – Photo by Menno

Ringing list (new/recapture):

Wren (0/1)

Dunnock (4/2)

Robin (1/1)

Blackbird (4/2)

Song thrush (1/0)

Chiffchaff (4/0)

Goldcrest (3/3)

Blue tit (0/1)

Great tit (1/0)

Short toed treecreeper (1/0)

Chaffinch (2/1)

Brambling (1/0)

Redpoll (2/3)

Bullfinch (2/0)

27 new birds over 12 species.

DOF list:


People at the station: Bello, Bent, Sven, Morten, John and Menno

The first real rarity of the season

torsdag 24. marts 2022
Hopefully some more will follow!
af Menno den Uijl

Today was a promising day after the enormous ringing day yesterday. It was quite nice, but now most of the birds were in the lighthouse garden. During the second round Bello called me that he and Henrik could have seen an Black scoter. With the high amounts of common scoters at sea around Blåvand, I suspected that this species could turn op every moment. Unfortunately, Henrik did not manage to take a picture. When he stood on the beach, with the birds in the scope the group with the Black scoter flew up. Bello saw it then again flying south and managed to relocate it. Because of the fog, the pictures are not clear, but it looks promising. Hopefully it comes around another time close by so the determination can be clinched. Bello also saw a whatear, his first of the year. In one of the last rounds, we came across a black redstart in the nets. It was not an adult male, but it nevertheless was very nice to see this species in the hand.


Black redstart – Photo by Menno

In the evening we had another try for the black scoter Bello found earlier today. We managed to see the more extensive yellow knob on the bill and we noticed that the headshape was quite different from the common scoter. For Bello this was his first found of black scoter, for me it was the second one within half a year. I saw the first dutch twitchable record back in October.


Bello looking for the black scoter - Photo by Menno

Tonight we will be joined Morten and Sven, who will help with the standardized methods.

Ringing list (new/recapture):

Dunnock (9/3)

Robin (8/0)

Black Redstart (1/0)

Blackbird (6/0)

Song thrush (1/0)

Chiffchaff (5/0)

Goldcrest (3/4)

Tree sparrow (2/0)

Chaffinch (3/1)

Brambling (2/0)

Redpoll (7/2)

47 new birds over 11 species.

DOF list:


People at the station: Bello, Bent, Henrik, Morten, Sven and Menno

First big ringing day

onsdag 23. marts 2022
The first 100+ birds day
af Menno den Uijl

23th of March

Today the ringing started quite good, with a recapture of a chiffchaff from Norway. We are still waiting for the details, but we will post it when we get a reaction. On the next round, the nets where full of birds. To get an impression I put in a photo in of the amount of bird bags we had. The chiffchaff was not the only recovery, we also had a redpoll ringed somewhere in Denmark. With a quick reaction of the ringing central, we can show its route already. It was ringed in October 2021 in Glæde. So it probably wintered somewhere south of Blåvand, and is migrating north to its breeding place. The birds in the garden kept flying into the nets until 1, this was also the time Bent to leave so it played out perfectly today. The only downside of all those birds, is that I spend over an hour to put all the data in the database.


An impression of the amount of birds


The route of the ringed Redpoll

Not only the ringing was really successful, Bello saw two Slovenian grebes flying north, this is quite rare bird around here, especially this early in spring. Next to that, he also saw some Sandwich terns. These birds winter in Africa and are slowly returning to their colonies in Scandinavia.

Ringing list (new/recapture):

Wren (2/0)

Dunnock (23/4)

Robin (3/0)

Blackbird (1/2)

Song Thrush (4/1)

Redwing (1/1)

Chiffchaff (3/3)

Goldcrest (16/3)

Blue tit (1/0)

Great tit (1/0)

Chaffinch (3/0)

Lesser redpoll (62/1)

100 new birds over 12 species

DOF list:


People at the station: Bello, Bent and Menno

En velkommen gæst

tirsdag 22. marts 2022
En kedelig dag med et mindre højdepunkt
af Mikkel Bello
Idag var der -1 grad til morgen da det har været klart vejr igen og næsten igen vind. Bent havde haft besøg derhjemme igår så han tog en slapper idag, derfor var nettene ikke åbne, så Menno joinede mig i klitterne.
Det var stille og roligt, dårlig sigt i begyndelsen og meget få fugle. Jeg sendte Menno afsted efter noget the vi kunne varme os på. Nogle marsvin fik vi at se og et par suler. Efter de faste 3 timers observation, som nu er fra kl 06:15, viste jeg Menno de hugorme som Bent havde fundet for nogle uger siden som er lige ved siden af vores obspost.

Hugorm, Foto - Bello 
Vi tog ud at handle, men vi ville have ventet på Morten, dog ringede Bent og sagde at han først kommer Torsdag i stedet.
Vi tog i Rema ved rundkørslen lidt uden for oksbøl og det var skønt med normale priser, for priserne er godt nok lidt høje i blåvand som jo er isoleret og har fokus på turister.

Senere sidder jeg så på værelset med åbent vindue ud mod haven og snakker i telefon, da jeg ser en meget farverig fuglekonge, og kikker derfor en ekstra gang, og jo mindsandten om det ikke er en fin rødtoppet som hopper rundt  lige for næsen af mig. Kameraret ligger neden under og jeg smutter (stadig igang med mit opkald) og henter menno og mit kamera og får så efter lidt tid fuglen frem ude i haven hvor jeg i min multitasken ikke får indstillet kameraret og får derfor nogle skod billeder selvom fuglen sidder frit fremme lige foran os. Nå men vi fik den at se og var glade. I morgen kommer Bent igen og åbner nettene så måske vi kan fange noget sjovt i morgen hvem ved.

Rødtoppet fuglekonge, Foto - Bello

Dagens observationer: https://dofbasen.dk/search/result.php?design=table&soeg=soeg&periode=dato&dato=22-03-2022&omraade=stor&stor=607&obstype=observationer&species=alle&sortering=dato


Folk på stationen; Mikkel Bello, Menno


Freden hviler over os

mandag 21. marts 2022
En tung dyne, en Hollandsk gæst og i kommer der flere på stationen.
af Mikkel Bello

Jeg startede dagen med at sove over mig. Som jeg lå der i varmen studsede jeg over at jeg var vågnet før min alarm. Min telefon var nemlig løbet tør for strøm i løbet af natten, så da det tilmed også begyndte at lysne ind ad vinduet kom der fart på! 
Et kinesisk ordsprog siger; mister man en time om morgnen jagter man den resten af dagen. Det var i hvert fald tilfældet de næste 20 minutter hvor jeg løb rundt om mig selv for at gøre mig klar.

Solopgangen fra i dag - foto af Bello

Det lykkedes mig at være ude kl 645 hvilket er en halv time forsent. Der skete ikke meget over havet, lidt sortænder og nogle rødstrubede lommer fløj i sydlig retning ellers var der ikke meget at se på. Som det de andre dage har været tilfældet, stilnede trækket af efter en times tid og det blev en langsomlig affære. Jeg fik dog besøg af Bent og Menno som heller ikke havde meget at lave ved nettene.  Dagens bedste fugl må være Strandhjejle. 

Tilbage på stationen fik jeg så lidt morgenmad og tog derefter med Ringmærkerne ud på rundte. Jeg er selv så småt ved at lære det og er begyndt at tage de nemmeste fulge ud selv. Trods en meget stille morgen indtil da, var der mange fugle i nettene, jeg havde fornøjelsen af en jernspurv og en rødhals, imens Menno blev sat på prøve med en gærdesmutte. Vi fik på denne rundte fordoblet antallet af fugle som hidtil havde været på 9 styk. Her havde vi heldet med os da vi havde fanget en Jernspurv fra Holland. 


Foto viser hvor fra den hollandske Jernspurv blev ringmærket, en tur på 375,7 km. Billedet er fra google maps.

Dagens observationer:

Folk på stationen; Bello, Menno, Bent

It is still March...

søndag 20. marts 2022
af Menno den Uijl

Sunday 20th of March

Because of the good weather, it seems like that the birds are having good circumstances to migrate and have almost no need to come down here. This can also be seen in the place where we ring most of the birds. The last days, most of the ringing has taken place at the garden of the Fuglestation. Personally, I would expect that more ringing will take place at the lighthouse. In the Netherlands (where I am from) places with much light, such as lighthouses and harbors, attract a lot of birds. But here most birds are caught in the garden. I suspect these birds are coming down in night and feeding here in order to recontinue their migration. Next to that, especially on warmer and sunnier days and mainly later in the morning, the pond in the garden is a real magnet for birds in the surrounding area. The tactically placed nets close to the pond, have resulted in many birds trying to drink some water or flying up after they drank a bit of water. This is all a thought, but I would like to see how this develops over the season.

But not all birds are flying high over Blåvand, we managed to catch some birds. But with the last rounds without any birds, we decided to stop at 11 (when the standardized hours are over) and Bent was in time to see the match between Brøndby and Aalborg.  

Bello did not see that much migrating at sea, but he saw a group of four Grey Partridges. Because of the intensivation of the agriculture in Europe, this species has decreased a lot. Besides the patridges, he also saw some returning Linnets.


Grey Patridges – photo by Bello            

As promised, hereby the edited recording with two calls. Because of the big distance, I could make it better than this: https://old.observation.org/waarneming/view/235697490. Because it is not that loud, you can put headphones in order to hear it more clearly.   

Ringing list (new/recapture):

Dunnock (6/0)

Robin (1/0)

Blackbird (2/1)

Goldcrest (1/1)

Chaffinch (5/0)

Lesser redpoll (5/0)

20 new birds over 6 birds.

DOF list:


People at the station: Bent, Bello and Menno

FORRIGE     1  |  ...  |  21  |  22  |  23  |  24  |  25  |  ...  |  27     NÆSTE