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Mild bird ringing, milder weather

torsdag 28. marts 2019
16 birds of 7 species
af Tim Micallef

The weather conditions improved overnight. We mostly ringed Blackbirds today and had many, many more of them hopping around. We also had a female Firecrest, the sixth individual this month. The last bird was a Bullfinch (Dompap) recapture, ringed at the station in 2018.

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Regulus ignicapilla

20190328 112746 1

Pyrrhula pyrrhula close-up

A few hours of morning birding and sea watching by Jan went well, with numerous Red-throated Divers (Rødstrubet Lom) and gulls migrating north. These included several dozen Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Sildemåge), a Black-throated Diver (Sortstrubet Lom) and even an Arctic Skua (Almindelig Kjove) - as far as I know it's the first this spring! Looking forward to the imminent return passage of a few Sandwich Terns (Splitterne), Northern Wheatears (Stenpikker) and so many other species.

Ringmærkning: 2 Dunnock (Jernspurv), 7 Blackbird (Solsort), 1 Chiffchaff (Gransanger), 1 Goldcrest (Fuglekonge), 1 Firecrest (Rødtoppet Fuglekonge), 2 Chaffinch (Bogfinke), 2 Greenfinch (Grønirisk)

Folk: Jan, Xenia, Tim