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Antonino and Mallory Arrive From Sicily

søndag 19. maj 2024
af Mallory Echols

We arrived at Blåvand Fugelstation on Saturday evening and joined the bird-ringing operation on Sunday morning. Antonino is an experienced bird-ringer, having obtained his ringing license in 2008, and is looking to broaden his scope once he retires from his post as a livestock veterinarian for the public health ministry. I, Mallory, am a new bird-ringing apprentice studying under Antonino’s supervision. 

We learned about Blåvand Fugelstation via social media and thought it would be a great experience for our goals. Indeed, on our very first morning we had the privilege of capturing a young song thrush (Turdus philomelos), which we only see during the winter in Sicily. Furthermore, it’s been interesting to observe the differences in methods and coding between Denmark and Italy. 

First calendar year song thrush captured this morning.

Around mid-morning, we set out with Henrik and Lucas on an adventure to see dotterels that have been seen in the past couple of weeks. Luck was not on our side for the dotterel sighting, but as first-time visitors to Denmark, it was a novel opportunity for us to observe the flora and fauna present, including roe deer and an enormous hare, as well as a myriad of avifauna that we don’t see often or at all in Sicily.


Other things to mention:

Common Nightingale (ringed) & Red-breasted Flycatcher (ringed)IMG_7056.jpegIMG_7064.jpeg

A late Shore Lark (5th May record) & 3k+ Arctic Skua (morning observations)