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Today was not that good, although...

fredag 10. maj 2024
af Michael

It wasn't the good day we've been hoping for, that will probably be tomorrow. nevertheless, the ringing was better than yesterday. 18 new birds and 7 controls. With no special species today, we closed the nets on the standerd time after 5 hours of ringing. The morning observations where also pretty slow unfortunately.

I went out for catching the red-backed shrikes with spring traps, I was there for a few hours but they didn't show any interest in the bait of the trap. While I was waiting for the birds, I suddenly saw 2 slow flapping terns flying by. I looked at the birds, and they had a thick, black bill. Gull billed tern! Unfortunately, I had no camera with me, but still a geat sighting, as the last for Blåvand was July 2016, this was the 4th record! 


The red-backed shrike (upper left) was very close to the trap (middle right), but didn't show any interest after just taking a look from a safe distance.

After trying to catch the red-backed shrike me and Ulf Berthelsen went to take a look at the enclosure for the breeding birds on the beach for "his" little terns. We read a few rings and saw they where breeding already, which is really early. One of them has a yellow ring, a tern that was ringed in Great Britain. We also saw an osprey in the distance.

Today was not a bad day, but also not the good day we've been hoping for. Tomorrow will be that day... Or else the day after tomorrow?..