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Of Raptors, Firecrests and Wasp Spiders

tirsdag 5. september 2023
af Joseph Stephan

The day started with Morten opening the mist nets while Louis, David, and I headed to the sea to do the daily morning observation. The weather was nice today, starting at 15 degrees and increasing to 25 degrees at midday. We had a cloudless sky and mostly an eastern wind of up to 2 m/s. Unfortunately, the wind changed around 9 o'clock to the northwest.

The wader migration was quite slow again, with only 10 Oystercatchers (Strandskade) and 10 Dunlins (Almyndelig Ryle). However, in comparison, there was a high number of 93 Red Knots (Islandsk Ryle). Furthermore, we spotted three Sparrowhawks (Spurvehög), three Kestrels (Tarnfalk), one Buzzard (Musvage), one Honey Buzzard (Hvepsevage), two Marsh Harriers (Rörhög), and one Hen Harrier (Bla Kaerhög).


Observation spot from today

Morten managed to ring 12 birds, including one Eurasian Wren (Gaerdesmutte), one Dunnock (Jernspurv), one European Robin (Rödhals), one Lesser Whitethroat (Gardesanger), one Garden Warbler (Havesanger), two Munks (Eurasian Blackcap), one European Pied Flycatcher (Bruget Fluesnapper), one Coal Tit (Sortmejse), one Eurasian Tree Sparrow, two Common Chaffinches (Bogfinke), one Red Crossbill (Lille Korsnaeb), and one Common Firecrest (Rödtoppet Fuglekonge). The highlight of the day was the Firecrest, as it was not only the first one ringed this autumn season but also a lifer for me.


1st cy male Firecrest

We enjoyed the good weather outside, had sandwiches, coffee and cake for lunch. Afterwards, Morten helped me in identifying a spider called the Wasp Spider (Hvepseedderkop), which I had spotted on the way to the lighthouse earlier.


Wasp Spider in the net

To cap off this beautiful day at the Fuglestation, Louis prepared a delicious pasta for dinner, which all of us enjoyed to the fullest. We reviewed the day, shared some good laughs, and talked about the upcoming eastern wind, which looks promising for a good raptor day tomorrow. It is safe to say we are having a blast here in Blaavand!