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søndag 28. maj 2023
af Amelie Sophie Zeller

Even though the number of ringed birds remained very small, we have ringed many different species today. It started with a Wood Pigeon (Ringdue) early in the morning. Morten and I also saw a Great Spotted Woodpecker (Stor Flagspætte) in the Stationshaven. Rose and Py were greeted in the morning with a House Martin (Bysvale). It was the first bird Py had seen in hand and for Rose and me it was the first time we had a swallow in our hands.


In the morning we also had a visit from Ulf, who came over for some bird watching. He spotted some Swifts (Mursejlers), which gave Morten hope for some migrating birds in the nets.

Today’s ringing data:


As there were not so many birds in the nets, I closed the Fyrhaven in the late morning and took a long walk through the Mosen and along the beach. I saw a Marsh Herrier (Rørhøg), a Red-backed Shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade), a Whinchat (Bynkefugl) and a Spotted Flycatcher (Grå Fluesnapper).

While Rose, Py and me were gone, Morten caught a Nuthatch (Spætmejse)! We would have really liked to see thate one...


Rose and Py also set off for a long walk at lunchtime and stopped by the Little Terns (Dwærgterne). They even went for a swim in the sea! When we were all back, we went shopping. In the evening we had a wonderful BBQ with nice conversations. David also joined us, who will probably stay at the station until Monday.


Fiolk på stationen: Rose, Py, David, Ulf, Morten og Amelie