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Diversity Day

søndag 21. maj 2023
af Amelie Sophie Zeller

Although the morning started slow, we were able to ring an incredible number of 21 different species today! We had a good number of Spotted Flycatchers (Grå Fluesnapper), with a total of 5 individuals ringed. During a short rain shower Morten had taken a Woodpigeon (Ringdue) out of the net, this bird weighed almost half a kilo... Great birds today were also a Tree Pipit (Skovpiber), an Icterine Warbler (Gulbug) and a Reed Warbler (Rørsanger). Also, the second Wood Warbler (Skovsanger) of the season was ringed.


I was especially happy about a Red-backed Shrike (Rødrygget Tornskade), which found its way into the Helgoland Trap. It was a beautiful female that at last made a little bit of friends with Morten after it made life difficult for us to get at least one reasonable photo.



Today’s ringing data:


Good observations today were 8 migrating Swifts (Mursejler) and a singing Marsh Warbler (Kærsanger) that Lars-Tom could hear on his afternoon walk.  When Morten heard a Great Spotted Woodpecker (Stor Flagspætte) this morning and told the others, it turned out funnily enough that it was not a woodpecker at all, but an Icterine Warbler. Lars-Tom had seen it the day before and could testify that it was a genuine imitation of a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Lars-Tom left us in the early afternoon today. Many thanks for the visit and the nice conversations! When David had also left and it became really warm, Morten and I had some ice cream in the garden. While doing so, he spotted two raptors. One was a Common Buzzard (Musvåge) and the second, which was very far up in the sky and rising higher and higher, was a White-tailed Eagle (Havørn). Even though the bird was very far away, this was a great observation for me as it is the first White-tailed Eagle I have seen since arriving here. Hopefully I will be able to observe another one a bit closer in the next weeks.

We are already excited to see what will be waiting for us tomorrow!

Fiolk på stationen: Morten, David, Henrik, Lars-Tom og Amelie